Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Strategy and Success Blog

1. What do you like best about class so far? What's going well?
So far this year I have really enjoyed starting our unit out with the movie Superman. I also enjoy not having much homework each night as well as having review days for our vocab.

2. What has been your greatest disappointment so far?
I would probably have to say that my greatest disappointment so far would be not doing so well on the pop quizzes we have every once and a while either on vocab roots or stories we read in our literature books.

3. Describe how you've studied for tests or prepared for quizzes. Give me time lengths, environment, strategy, etc.
Usually for vocab tests I like to read over the roots and words for half an hour, then have one of my parents quiz me on it. I usually get up a little early and review the words one more time. For minor quizzes, I spend about 15 minutes reviewing in our book by looking over bold words, italics, and I will usually skim briefly. When studying, I prefer to be somewhere quiet like my room or anywhere where there is no noise.

4.Do you know if you're a visual, aural (hearing) or kinesthetic (movement) learner? Answer with a yes or no and an explanation.
Yes, I would probably have to say that I am mainly a visual learner. I can recall information that I studied in the back of my head. Sometimes though I am a aural learner. When we review in class for our root words with the game where we get candy, I seem to remember the information quite well.