Thursday, December 30, 2010

Photo Journal Walk

For my photo journal walk, I decided to walk in an area close to my house. It had just barely snowed the night before, but everything still remained frozen as I was in sub-freezing temperatures. I began to think about how another year has flown by, and that here in less than six months, I will be graduating from high school and entering the real world. I began to ponder what I will do after school is done. It is weird to think that I am in my last year of high school. I have been at Seattle Christian all my life for the full thirteen years, and it seems so crazy that in less than six months I will leave this school.
Also on my walk, I was able to reflect on how blessed I am. Sometimes I take things for granted. I am so blessed to have an awesome school, church, friends, and family. This walk gave me time to look back at everything that God has blessed me with.
By the way, during my walk I also had to think about the UW football game tonight. I'm sure you're all surprised about that. :)
Whatever happens after highschool, I hope that I will follow God's plan for my life and continue to be thankful for everything that he has blessed me with.