Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?

After reading part one of Beowulf, I believe that part of the reason why Beowulf won was because of his natural strength, however, there are numerous passages in the reading that support the idea of God helping Beowulf win. For instance, Beowulf states that "Fate saves the living when they drive away death by themselves" (31). Beowulf is recalling when he killed all those monsters at sea and when he was so exhausted, God made land visible for him to see. In addition, as Grendel makes his routine appearance at Herot, it describes him as "bearing God's hatred" (34). This implies that God is opposing him, therefore taking Beowulf's side. When Beowulf beats Grendel and "...screams of the Almighty's enemy sang..." he manages to slither out of there realizing "...what it meant [t]o feud with Almighty God..." (36,37). The text mentions that his screams of pain were of the "Almighty's enemy" indicating God's support and help was given to Beowulf.

So then, if God played a big role in helping to defeat Beowulf, then does God help those who help themselves? One may question if it is God who helps you win a sports game, or if it is because of the hard work you put into it? I believe it is a little of both. I think that, for certain things, you must work for it, and prepare for it. I also believe that God helps you if you acknowledge or give credit to your Creator, by recognizing that He has provided you with your strengths and abilities.

Regarding our future and salvation, I also believe that it is both God and ourselves who control it. First off, God is all-knowing and knows what lies ahead in my future. He knew whether I would accept the gift of salvation He gave me, or reject it. When I choose to accept and devote my life to God, then I am contolling my own future. However, we must not forget that there is a second part: God is the reason that I can have salvation because of His sacrificial death for all of our sins. Ephesians 2:8 says "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-" (NIV). We are given the choice to follow and accept Him because He died on the cross for our sins. We cannot save ourselves. However, once we accept the gift He has given us, we must live a life that represents and follows God. We can't just talk the talk, we must walk the walk.

1 comment:

MsWeisman said...

Great blog, Tyler. It makes me think of the loaves and fishes story-- Jesus was ready to work a miracle, but He required His disciples to give Him the little they had. He asks us to GO, and promises to help us along the way-- but we have to begin walking.

Do you agree?

Nice support from the text!
