Sunday, November 16, 2008

Iliad/Troy Similarities and Differences

There are a number of similarities and differences between the movie Troy and the Iliad. Some similarities that I saw between the two was how Patroclus put himself in Achilles armor, went out and fought and got himself killed. Another similarity portrayed in both is the anger of Achilles. Especially after Patroclus is killed, it shows both in the movie and book how Achilles really lets his anger take control of him, and how he goes straight to the man who killed his cousin, Hector. I think they do a good job showing that heroes aren't perfect, and that they have downfalls.

Some differences between the two include how they mixed Chryseis and Briseis into one person in the movie. I would say that they probably would have done that to make it easier to understand the plot line. It may be more confusing having those two characters, as well as every other main character to remember. Also, in the movie there is really no intervention and involvement of the gods as there is in the Iliad. I think that they would have done this because most people aren't familiar with the Greek Pantheon and it would add to the difficulty of understanding the movie. In the book, Athena, disguises herself as one of Hector's allies, and then when Hector looks over for help, she's gone, and he is killed.

I think that the overall purpose in having changes in the movie, is to help the audience better understand what's going on. There are less names to remember, which simplifies the plot and allows for an easier understanding.

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